Mapudungun alphabet

This article deals with the proposed orthographies of Mapudungun. The Mapuche did not have a writing system when the Spanish arrived, and historically there have been a number of proposals for a Mapudungun alphabet, all of them using Latin script. To this day, no consensus has been achieved between authorities, linguists and Mapuche communities on an unified writing system; the main systems are the following:


Mapudungun has the following consonant system.

Phoneme↓ Unified Alphabet↓ Ragileo↓ Nhewenh↓ Azumchefi↓ NICE↓ place of articulation↓ type of articulation↓
/p/ p p p p p bilabial stop
/t̟/ * td * t' interdental stop
/t/ t t t t t alveolar stop
/k/ k k k k k velar stop
/tʃ/ ch c ch ch ch postalveolar affricate
/tʂ/ tr x tr tx tr retroflex affricate
/f/ f f f f f labiodental or bilabial fricative
/θ/ d z sd z d interdental fricative
/s/ s s * s s alveolar fricative
/ʃ/ sh * sh sh sh postalveolar fricative
/ɻ/ r r r r r retroflex fricative
/m/ m m m m m bilabial nasal
/n̟/ h nd nh n' interdental nasal
/n/ n n n n n alveolar nasal
/ɲ/ ñ ñ nh, ñ ñ ñ palatal nasal
/ŋ/ ng g g g ng velar nasal
/w/ w w w w w labiovelar approximant
/j/ y y j y y palatal approximant
/ɣ/ or /ɰ/ (**) g q q q g velar approximant
/l̟/ b ld lh l' interdental lateral
/l/ l l l l l alveolar lateral
/ʎ/ ll j lh ll ll palatal lateral

(*) Raguileo doesn't distinguish between /s/ and /ʃ/, and between /t̪/ and /t/. Also, Raguileo aims to use only one grapheme for each phoneme (no digraphs), so he uses some letters from the alphabet in a non-standard way.
(**) Corresponds to /ɨ/ in the same way that /j/ corresponds to /i/ and /w/ corresponds to /u/.



Mapudungun has six vowels. The three high vowels also have corresponding approximant consonants.

Phoneme Unified Alphabet Ragileo Nhewenh Azumchefi [front] [back] [round] [high] [low]
/a/ a a a a + - - - +
/e/ e e e e + - - - -
/i/ i, y i i i, y + - - + -
/o/ o o o o - + + - -
/u/ u, w u u u, w - + + + -
/ɨ/* ü v v, y ü - - - + -

(*) When unstressed, it becomes a schwa (ə).